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Xu Jiaai, Secretary of the Jinhua municipal Party committee, led the team to inspect our company

Views: 258     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-03-18      Origin: Site

Xu Jiaai, Secretary of the CPC Jinhua municipal Party committee, Secretary of the CPC Yongkang municipal Party committee and director Xu Huashui of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led the research and development of Shimin optical standardization road lamp production and academician experts, national thousand and double dragon leader project, led by the leaders of Jinhua city and Yongkang Municipal People's Congress. The Department's development plan and standardization of street lighting and leading team building are highly affirmed.

Academician Xue Yongqi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and our company jointly build expert workstations for academicians.

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